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03 9562 3488


Trusted Family Dentist in Springvale

Helping Individuals Smile Confidently

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Start Taking Care of Your Smile & Teeth

We want you to feel comfortable with your choice of dentist. As a family dentistry, we believe in providing a gentle and caring atmosphere during your visit. Our team offers a broad range of services to cater to your specific dental requirements.

Dental Treatment

We offer help with everything from simple check-ups to more specific treatments and also have payment plans available for major dental treatments.

Care and Prevention of Dental Problems

At our practice, there is a focus on preventive dentistry to help every individual achieve the healthy smile they deserve. To avoid emergency dentistry treatment, attend regular check-ups so we can often spot the condition early, prevent pain and carry out a simpler treatment.

Oral Hygiene and Cleaning Treatments

We offer a full package dental examination service. We take care of your oral hygiene will check for any signs of weakness, cracking or decay during the examination. Our cleaning treatment is designed to leave you with healthy teeth.

Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is a tooth-like cap placed over a tooth to restore its original shape, size and appearance. Crowns are useful for restoring a broken tooth as well as improving the appearance of teeth in cases such as stained or misaligned teeth. We will listen carefully and provide you with expert guidance when it comes to crowns.

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or several teeth, or to support partial or full dentures. After a thorough examination, we offer a natural-looking restoration option that is ideal for replacing missing or badly diseased teeth. They are also a great alternative to dentures.

Teeth Whitening

Our professional service help to lighten teeth by removing stains and discolouration. We provide numerous options that are safe and provide long-lasting results.

Get a beautiful smile by making an appointment today!

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